Learn to take your painful life experiences and turn them into a story of healing and recovery.



and you're desperate to tell it...



Have you ever thought to yourself…

  • I should write a book about my experiences

  • What if memoir isn't the best way to approach my story or I'm not ready to write about it directly

  • How can I turn my life story into something that helps heal my wounds and moves me forward

  • I wish there were a community of writers who are working through the same thing as I am

  • I would love to find a way to turn my story and experiences into something that helps others


  • You could stop the endless loop of painful memories from taking over your brain

  • You could explore some of your deepest, darkest thoughts about your past traumas, emotional upheavals, and painful experiences.

  • You could build an entirely new world to rewrite, recreate and redo parts of your life.

  • You could answer some of the questions about your trauma and pain that forever seem lost to you

  • You could wake up excited for your “page time”

  • You could get support from people who understand the hard times you’re going through and are there to celebrate your big wins.

Well, I'm here to tell you that it's possible. You CAN take those painful memories and alchemize them into fiction for the sole purpose of healing. This workshop will show you how.


Writing Fiction to Heal

It's Time to Reclaim Your Story.


A 6-week workshop where you’ll learn how to leverage your painful and traumatic past in order to transform the story you want to tell and discover the healing properties writing fiction can have.


What People Are Saying

“I worked with Jade through her Writing Fiction to Heal method and found my entire world changing. Her method of helping me take a painful event and turn it into a fiction story helped me heal and recognize where I had room to grow in my recovery.”

— jessie c., coaching client

“After trying to write a memoir several times, I decided to try my hand at fiction instead. I found Jade through trauma recovery coaching and wanted to try out the WF2H method. Turns out, I’m much better at writing fiction than I am memoir! I have loved the process of getting my emotions down on the page in this story rather than mucking through writing the actual story I lived.”

— Joli T., Coaching client

“I was really interested in seeing what Jade’s Writing Fiction to Heal method was all about and during our coaching sessions, I realized how therapeutic it was to write out my feelings through fiction without having to relive my traumatic event. It was freeing!”

— Lila M., Coaching client

This workshop will teach you:

  • Background

    The reason why writing is one of the most beneficial, affordable, and accessible forms to utilize for healing and recovery.

  • Variety

    The differences between memoir, autobiography, and fiction genres and how each is helpful in the healing process.

  • Excavation

    How to excavate your experiences, traumas, painful emotions to use as a never-ending resource for your fiction stories.

  • Creation

    How to create a fictional story based on reality to help you explore, discover, and grow from your experiences.

  • Observation

    How to take a step back and assess the connections between reality and fiction and the ways they can influence your story.

  • Mining

    How to mine from your personal experiences to enhance your story and get “unstuck.”

  • Self-Care

    How to prioritize creative self-care so that you can keep your writing momentum going.

  • Exploration

    How to question, examine, and explore themes and nagging topics within your story and experience.

  • Community

    How to benefit from a safe & supportive community of other writers.


What makes this workshop different?

  • It’s experiential in every sense of the word! You won’t be doing this workshop alone because I’ll be right there, doing the exercises alongside you.

  • This workshop & community takes a trauma-informed approach and is tailored specifically to help writers with painful pasts, learn to use writing to heal.

  • I utilize and leverage the wisdom and generosity of other teachers, mentors, and writers in this workshop. I may be the “creator” of this workshop, but I’m by no means the only one teaching you these tools.

  • This workshop has an abundance of perspectives throughout. There will never be a “right and only way” to do something. We embrace process, evolution, and experimentation in this workshop.

  • Not only do I have lived experience with both writing fiction to heal and trauma… my education and training are also in these fields. While I’m not an expert by any means, I do have years and years of experience.

  • Most importantly, this workshop is completely designed to set you up for success — every aspect has been built to ensure that you’re getting the most from your time, energy, and investment.

 Here's What You're Going to Get:

  • Signed paperback copy of Forged in Fire: Writing Fiction to Heal

  • Weekly lessons with a step-by-step approach that teaches you how to use your life experiences and turn it into fiction

    • Exercises designed to strategically (and gently) mine and excavate your life experiences to get to the heart of the story you really want to tell.

  • Weekly Q&A Group Calls

    • We'll discuss how the exercises are going, what it's bringing up for everyone, and why it's important to do this work in order to get the most out of writing fiction to heal — all within a safe and nurturing environment.

  • Access to a private community

    • This is a safe, secure and private place to facilitate connection, accountability, and support with your fellow classmates and writers

  • Access to unedited, real, and raw work that I'm doing alongside you — struggles and all.

    • It's important to see the reality of this work... not just the outcome. I’m also a staunch believer that I will never ask my students to do something I’m not also doing.

  • Lifetime Access to the workshop material

    • You’ll have access to all the material for as long as the internet is alive ;)

  • Discounts on 1-1 Coaching

    • Access to discounted 1-1 Coaching sessions after the workshop has ended.



  • Weekly Silent Writing Sessions

  • Free Access to “Hi, It’s Me” Seminar

  • Storytelling Audit Guide

  • Truth is Stranger than Fiction ebook

  • The Intuitive’s Guide to NaNo

  • Access to the The Rebel MFA Sanctuary for an additional 3 months after the workshop ends

  • Writing Compendium Template & Mini-Course

Here's What You Won't Get:

  • A workshop that focuses on the craft of fiction, the technical aspects of fiction or anything related to publishing.

  • An approach that tells you what you have to do. This approach is fluid and I encourage the “take what works and leave the rest” mentality.

  • An “easy” or “quick” way to write a novel or a guarantee of a finished manuscript.

  • Roundtable Workshopping - sharing and asking for feedback is optional in this workshop.

Your Investment





$200 x 3


Our Guarantee:

This workshop was designed to change your life and the way you view yourself, past traumas, and your future. We’re confident that if you do the work, you’ll see a powerful shift in all areas of your life. We back that up with our risk-free money-back guarantee. You have a full 14 days to make a final commitment. If you reach out within 14 days and ask for your money back, you’ll get a refund, no questions asked!

 Writing Fiction to Heal is PERFECT for you if...

  • You’ve always wanted to write in an effort to heal from your past traumas or emotional upheavals

  • You’ve thought about writing a novel or fictional story

  • You want to learn to take your real-life experiences and turn them into a compelling story

  • You want step by step guidance in how to turn reality into fiction and get support and encouragement along the way.

  • You want to do this work alongside an experienced author and other writers who are growing through it, too.

So, is it a perfect fit?

 Hey, I’m Jade!

Just 6 years ago, I faced a big problem:

Figure out how to write about and through my pain, or succumb to the darkness that was consuming me.

I chose to write fiction.

And I want to show you how you can do it, too.

You have questions.
I have the answers.

  • Listen, I get it. I’ve been in your exact shoes, trying to decide if I should invest in a course, program or workshop with a significant financial investment. It’s scary, overwhelming and a big decision -- especially in these unprecedented times we’re living in. That’s why I’ve tried to make your decision a comfortable one with:

    • Low monthly payment plans so you can get started today without feeling strapped for cash

    • Offering a generous amount of content, resources, support & access to me to make this workshop the most valuable it can be

    • A money-back guarantee if you get in and realize the workshop isn’t for you after all.

  • We’re confident you’re going to fall in love with this workshop & community, but we know Sh*t happens. We stand behind our risk-free money-back guarantee so that you can feel confident and secure when you invest in this workshop.

  • I get it. It’s terrifying to invest your money, time, and energy into a workshop like this without certainty that you’ll get what you need from it. But that’s kind of how life works, too, yeah?

    I can’t guarantee you that you’ll get exactly what you need. I can’t guarantee that you’ll come out of this with a fully finished manuscript.

    What I can guarantee is that you’ll learn and have access to the very steps I’ve taken (as well as many others) to harness the power of my pain and trauma and turn it into fiction. I can guarantee that you’ll have a safe and supportive community to turn to when things get hard. I can guarantee that I will always give you 100% of my attention, passion, and support for this hard work. I can guarantee that you’ll learn more about yourself and your past if you commit to the process.

  • The workshop content will be delivered on a course platform called Teachery. It’s very easy to use and navigate and the course platform creators are fantastic. You’ll have access to all the material for as long as the internet is alive ;)

  • To serve my students as best I can, this workshop runs in “cohorts” and is open enrollment for a limited time each year (like right now!). I’m not sure when the next live workshop will be, but if you miss out this time, be sure to sign up for our mailing list to be notified of the next enrollment session!

  • False. Everyone is a writer. If you put words in a sentence in your head and write them down on paper, you're a writer. Everyone has a story to tell and who better to tell it than you?

    And this workshop requires approximately zero experience and you don’t need to be considered a “good writer” to get value out of this workshop. Besides, “good writing” is subjective and I think everyone can learn how to be a better writer -- even those with years and years of writing experience.

  • That’s okay! You don’t have to know a single thing about either of those things to enroll in this workshop or get insane value from it. My job is to teach you about the benefits of fiction and writing to heal. You’ll learn more about yourself, your abilities, and how to write a novel in this workshop -- so don’t worry if you feel like you’re starting from zero. We all have to start somewhere!

  • Hey, as someone with two full time jobs, I totally get it. But I also know just how important it is to carve out time to invest in yourself and your healing. Recovery doesn’t just happen. It takes work! But I can promise you that if you don’t learn to take the time now to invest in your growth and self-discovery, it will never get easier to do it.

    Your time is precious which is why I’ve distilled the content, resources, exercises and approach down to only the most important and vital elements. There’s absolutely no “filler” or “fluff” in this workshop. Every single thing you’ll learn or read is relevant and important to the process.

    We’ve also specifically built our community around supporting and guiding each other during this workshop which means that you’re not going through this alone. We all will have to face the “Time Demons” but isn’t it better to do it, together?

  • I know this is sooo cliche to say, but it really does depend! This 6-week workshop was built with the intention that you would spend 1-2 hours a week on the weekly exercises, but some lessons may take you more or less time to complete. To help you gain momentum and learn how to create in smaller pockets of time, there will be an opportunity to join weekly “creative sprints” facilitated by me and dedicated to working on your exercises for this workshop.

    The weekly calls will be immensely beneficial, however, if you can’t attend, that’s okay, too. We’ll record them and you’ll have access to the replays to peruse at your own pace.

    While the community is robust and set up to help you engage and brainstorm with each other and me, it’s also optional. So the time you put into connecting with others is up to you!

  • One of the beautiful things about this workshop is that the end result isn’t actually the point at all. The benefits are derived from the process and the journey not the destination. That’s why we focus on the week-by-week exercises rather than focusing on a specific “outcome.”

    You’d be surprised just how much value and healing can happen from just a few writing exercises. Take it from Julia, one of my beta-students for this workshop: “I think it was after the third writing exercise that I realized I’d already gotten more from these exercises and weekly sessions than I have in any other program.”

    Of course, life happens. So if you decide to join the workshop and absolutely cannot find the time to make it happen, we have options for you: Go at your own pace and forget trying to “keep up.” You have access to the materials for life, so you’ll never be “behind.” You can always do this workshop on your own time and at your own pace. If it’s within the TK timeframe, you can submit to our money-back guarantee and get a refund. Reach out to us at TK with your situation and let’s see how we can help. My goal is to always meet my students where they’re at and guide them in discovering the benefits of writing to heal and self-growth.